Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy

The Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy (Halliwick AST) is a voluntary organisation.
We were set up in 1952 and our aim is to further and to foster the use of the Halliwick Concept as a means of teaching swimming and happiness in water to disabled people and others. We are a registered charity (number 250008) and have clubs, groups and individuals that affiliate with us throughout the UK and elsewhere.
Amongst other things, we develop and run courses on the Halliwick Concept. We also produce a wide range of publications and DVDs for those working with the Halliwick Concept.
The Halliwick Concept looks for, and develops an individual’s ability in water. It calls for equal development of mental and physical balance; the two are indivisible when working to achieve security and happiness in water.
The Halliwick Concept works to a Ten-Point Programme, which is linked to our philosophy.
This in turn is implemented with achievement badges, giving standards of progression and fulfilment.
The Halliwick Concept is adaptable for all disabilities, however severe, and is equally successful for teaching non-disabled people, both children and adults.
It does not require the use of personal flotation aids; it is important that the swimmer learns to find and control their own balance in the water. The focus is on working with helpers instead, initially on a one-to-one basis, gradually withdrawing help as the swimmer becomes more independent.