Based in Australia, Austswim has had excellent reviews from a number of STA teachers who have taken the training and all have found it very useful. If you follow them…
Training and CPD relating to disabled swimming
Based in Australia, Austswim has had excellent reviews from a number of STA teachers who have taken the training and all have found it very useful. If you follow them…
Halliwick AST offers a number of courses for those interested in either learning about the Halliwick Concept or qualifying as an instructor or lecturer. Halliwick AST courses are approved by…
Of course, there isn’t only one way to engage disabled people. What really matters is that your processes are fully inclusive and accessible. Especially when it comes to providing good…
This online programme has been created to increase awareness for swimming teachers on what Cerebral Palsy is and how it may affect someone within a swimming environment.
These cover a range of topics from the more general to specific advice on Long-Term Health Conditions and impairments such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s. The recordings are free to…