STA Swimming Lesson Finder
All of the swimming lesson providers listed here have successfully achieved STAmark accreditation, which is STA’s definitive standard for swim schools.
All of the swimming lesson providers listed here have successfully achieved STAmark accreditation, which is STA’s definitive standard for swim schools.
Find a club that has affiliated to Halliwick AST and which might offer Swimming Therapy.
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The National Disability Sports Organisations (NDSOs) are a good starting point for many disabled people who want to be more active. They provide advice, support and opportunities for people of…
Halliwick produce and update various publications including books, leaflets, DVDs and other equipment. You can download some documents for free, including some leaflets, articles, newsletters, and even scripts of DVDs, but unfortunately, they…
CP Sport provide a variety of downloadable activities and other resources, including:
A series of web articles covering multiple considerations including: swimming after Covid-19, ear infection, skin conditions etc.
Whether you are a Swimming Teacher, a Physiotherapist, PE Teacher, a parent or carer or a person with a disability yourself, there are ‘gems of knowledge’ in this book for…
Activity Alliance lead the way in gathering insight on disabled people in sport and activity. On their website you can find relevant research, including all studies commissioned, published and released…